Thanks… for nothing! Does your company have the rare “co-worker bonus,“ a way of rewarding employees? Maybe it also needs the “co-worker curse” to punish them!


Some companies provide a type of bonus called a “co-worker bonus” or “peer bonus,” where an employee can nominate a coworker for a small monetary reward in recognition for some sort of helpful action.

For example, in 2023 at the company Zappos: “once per month, each employee may offer an extra $50 to a coworker.“

This style of bonus exists at a small number other companies as well:

Crucially, the “co-worker bonus” is paid out by the company to an employee (i.e. no money is exchanged between employees).


Although competence in coworkers is always appreciated, people are far more intensely affected by instances of incompetence in their coworkers.

Thus, we propose a second type of financial transfer mechanism: the “co-worker curse,” which expresses the sentiment “thanks for nothing!”

This operates as follows: a fine is levied against the offending co-worker, which is then is paid to the coworker who reported the curse (Figure 1).

Fig. 1: Top: if the employee in red (left) is awarded a “co-worker bonus,” the money is paid out by the company (top right). Bottom: on the other hand, if the employee at left casts a “co-worker curse” on the employee at bottom right, the money is paid out by the offending coworker instead of by the company.


Previously, some employees in large institutions (corporate, administrative, academic, military, etc…) have felt frustrated and powerless in the face of bureaucratic inefficiency. With this new curse-levying method, these employees can now express their displeasure in a way that should increase the overall health of the institution in question!

PROS: Should improve collaboration and foster a culture of accountability.

CONS: None: there are no downsides to this plan, which was suggested to me by coworker I.H.